Titre : Modelling and simulation of complex fluids and non-ideal mixtures for optimisation of engineering systems
Par Pr. Emilie Sauret,
Full Professor at School of Mechanical, Medical & Process Engineering l Faculty of Engineering
Queensland University of Technology
Date : Mardi 7 février 2023 à 10H
La soutenance aura lieu en amphi Bézier et en visioconférence.
This talk will present my research on the modelling and simulation of complex fluids and mixtures in engineering systems. I focus my work on the development and application of advanced computational methods with the objective of optimising engineering systems and gaining fundamental knowledge of the physical phenomena that occur in those complex fluid flow systems. My research is organised around three main themes that I will introduce in my presentation:
1. Energy systems: characterisation and optimisation through simulation
2. Lattice Boltzmann modelling of complex fluid flows with interactions
3. Computational modelling of soft matter
Jean-Camille Chassaing, Prof. Sorbonne Université
Christophe Corre, Prof. Ecole Centale de Lyon
Sofiane Khelladi, Prof. Arts et Métiers - Sciences et Technologies
Didier Lucor, Prof. et Directeur CNRS
Christos Markides, Prof. Imperial College London
Pierre Sagaut, Prof. des Universités AMU