Parcours - Education & Qualification
Maître de Conférences au Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Centre de Paris (Le Cnam), Equipe Pédagoqique Nationale EPN1 - Bâtiment et Energie, depuis Septembre 2019.
- Thèse de doctorat de Dublin City University, School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering : 2018
- Post-graduate Research Master in fluid dynamics, de l’institut Von Karman (avec les Honneurs) : 2012
- Diplôme d’Ingénieur de l’institut polytechnique de Bordeaux – ENSEIRB-MATMECA : 2010
Activités de recherche - Research Activities
Mes activités de recherche concerne principalement le développement d'outils numériques et de méthodes de modélisation pour la prédiction et la simulation d'écoulements fluides complexes. Cette terminologie regroupe les écoulements multi-phasiques, multi-especes, non-newtonien, ou encore les interactions fluide-structure.
Dans ce contexte, je suis amener à développer des outils de simulation système, à utiliser des codes CFD commerciaux ou open-source, ainsi qu'a participer au développement de codes de calcul interne au laboratoire. Ces derniers sont basés sur une approche volumes finis, sur maillage non structurés, d’ordre élevé utilisant une reconstruction par moindres carrés mobiles.
Mes thématiques de recherche regroupent le domaine de la santé, ainsi que celui de l'énergie/environnement. Plus précisément:
- Dans le secteur de la santé, je travaille à l'amélioration des technologies cardiovasculaire, en réduisant leurs complications internes (destructions des cellules vivantes) et externes (couplages avec le réseau cardio-vasculaire)
- Dans le secteur de l'énergie/environnement, je m'intéresse aux procédés permettant d'intensifier les transferts thermiques, faisant intervenir des écoulements complexes.
My research activities mainly focus on the development of numerical methods and modeling methodology for the prediction and simulation complex flows. Those flows include among others multi-phase flows, multi-species flows, non-newtonian flows, as well as fluid-structure interactions.
In this context, I am, developping lumped models for system modeling, using comercial and open-source CFD codes, and finally involved in the developement of the laboratory in-house codes. The latter are based on a high order finite volume approach for unstructured grids, based on the moving least squares reconstruction of the variables.
My research themes includes both health and energy/environment fields. More precisely:
- For the health sector, my aim is to improve cardiovacsular technologies and devices, through a reduction of their internal (desctruction of living cells) and external (coupling problems with the cardio-vascular network) complications.
- For the energy/enviornment sector, I am looking at process, involving complex flows, which allow to enhance heat transfer
Encadrement de thèse - Phd supervision
Thèses soutenues - Defended thesis
- MARCEL Louis : Etude numérique des Dispositifs d’Assistance Ventriculaire pour l’optimisation de leur utilisation et la limitation des complications cliniques, Septembre 2023
- ACHOUR Lila : Hydrodynamic behavior modeling of pumps handling fluids with complex rheological behavior, Septembre 2023
Liste de publications - Publication list
Articles de journaux à comité de lecture - Peer reviewed journal articles
- E. Akrami, M. Specklin, R. Torrecilla Rubio, R. Connolly, B. Breen, S. Berten, M. Kehoe, A. Albadawi, Y. Delaure, A sharp mls penalty immersed finite element method for fluid-structure interaction of highly deformable slender body in turbulent flow, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 18 (1) (Jan. 2024). doi:10.1080/19942060.2023.2300451
- L. Marcel, M. Specklin, S. Kouidri, M. Lescroart, J.-L. Hébert, On the prediction of the effect of bi-ventricular assistance after cardiac explantation on the vascular flow physiology: A numerical study, Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 44 (1) (2024) 105–118. doi:10.1016/j.bbe.2023.12.005
- N. Abbasnezhad, M. Specklin, F. Bakir, P. Leprince, P. Danial, Hemodynamic evaluation of a centrifugal left atrial decompression pump for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, Bioengineering 10 (3) (2023) 366. doi:10.3390/bioengineering10030366.
- M. Deligant, M. Huebel, T.-N. Djaname, F. Ravelet, M. Specklin, M. Kebdani, Design and off-design system simulation of concentrated solar super-critical co2 cycle integrating a radial turbine meanline model, Energy Reports 8 (2022) 1381–1393. doi:10.1016/j.egyr.2022.07.141.
- M. Specklin, M. Deligant, P. Sapin, M. Solis, M. Wagner, C. N. Markides, F. Bakir, Numerical study of a liquid-piston compressor system for hydrogen applications, Applied Thermal Engineering 216 (2022) 118946. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2022.118946.
- J. Song, L. Marcel, M. Specklin, M. Lescroart, J.-L. Hébert, S. Kouidri, Numerical study of hemolysis induced by shear stress at the junction between aorta and ventricular assistance device outflow graft, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 95 (2022) 108953. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2022.108953.
- R. Ouzani, Z. Alloui, S. Khelladi, M. Specklin, Dynamics of fingering convection: a numerical study, Environmental Fluid Mechanics 22 (1) (2022) 203–243. doi:10.1007/s10652-022-09838-5.
- L. Achour, M. Specklin, I. Belaidi, S. Kouidri, Numerical assessment of the hydrodynamic behavior of a volute centrifugal pump handling emulsion, Entropy 24 (2) (2022) 221. doi:10.3390/e24020221.
- L. Marcel, M. Specklin, S. Kouidri, The evolution of long-term pediatric ventricular assistance devices: a critical review, Expert Review of Medical Devices 18 (8) (2021) 783–798. doi:10.1080/17434440.2021.1947245.
- Specklin, M., Dubois, P., Albadawi, A., Delaure, Y., A full immersed boundary solution coupled to a Lattice-Boltzmann solver for multiple fluid-structure interactions in turbulent rotating flows, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 90 (2019), 205-229, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2019.06.01
- Albadawi, A., Specklin, M., Connolly, R., Delaure, Y., A thin film fluid structure interaction model for the study of flexible structure dynamics in centrifugal pumps, ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 141 (6) (2019), https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4041759
- Specklin, M., Delaure, Y., A sharp immersed boundary method based on penalisation and its application to moving boundaries and turbulent rotating flows, European Journal of Mechanics – B/Fluids, 70 (2018), 130-147, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.euromechflu.2018.03.003
- Deligant, M., Specklin, M., Khelladi, S., A naturally anti-diffusive compressible two phases kapila model with boundedness preservation coupled to a high order finite volume solver, Computer & Fluids, 114 (2015), 265-273, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compfluid.2015.03.004